
8 Tips To Help Go From A Part-Time Blogger To A Full-Time Blogger

Full-Time Blogger
Earning a living as a full-time blogger is a dream for many people. For those who are making some money blogging part-time it may seem like it will never be possible to make the jump to having your blog as your primary source of income, but with the right approach and a consistent effort it is certainly possible.
In this article I’d like to look at some things that I found to be helpful when I made this jump more than 5 years ago, as well as a few things that I would do differently if I were in the situation again.

1. Focus On Building Your Network

In my opinion the two biggest factors for achieving success as a blogger are your content and your network . Every successful blogger is well connected to others in the industry or niche, and having a strong network can help you in so many different ways. Your network may be the key to important guest posting opportunities, introductions to potential partners or others that can help you in some way, more links to your blog, more sharing of your posts through social networks, advice when you need it, and so much more. With this in mind, I strongly suggest that you make networking a priority.
Take a pro-active approach and reach out to other bloggers and influential people in your niche. Select some bloggers that you want to get to know and leave a comment every time they publish a post. Share links to their posts through your social networking profiles and interact with them. You can even email them or fill out a contact form to get in touch. Some of the people who have become my closest online friends are people that I met just by sending an email to introduce myself.
Whatever you do, don’t just sit back and wait for others to reach out to you. Set aside a little bit of time each day, or at least a few times a week, specifically for the purpose of networking. The results of your networking efforts aren’t always easy to measure, but I think you’ll find that as your network grows and gets stronger you’ll see your blog growing as well, and you may also come across some unexpected opportunities.
See Identifying and Building Relationships with Industry Influencers for some great insight on the subject.

2. Consider Freelancing Temporarily

When I made the decision to quit my full-time job and pursue blogging full-time I actually made a decent percentage of my income from freelance writing. While you’re working on your own blog and attempting to increase the income that it produces, you can also do some freelance work to make money in the meantime. There are so many blogs and websites out there that plenty of opportunities exist. A lot of blogs pay writers, although the amount will vary greatly from one blog to the next. Aside from writing, you could also find opportunities to freelance in areas like social media marketing and design, if that’s something that you’re able to do.
If you’re looking for freelance blogging opportunities you may want to reach out to the leading blogs in your niche to see if they are looking for freelance writers, and you can also find a lot of opportunities at the ProBlogger job board. Sites like Elance and oDesk provide opportunities for you to bid on projects as a freelancer, but be careful with these types of sites because you can wind up spending a lot of time giving proposals and wind up with no paying jobs. If you’re a designer you can try something likeMicrolancer. Your blog is also a great place to promote your services. Create a “Hire Me” page or a “Services” page where you can provide information about the type of work that you do, and encourage visitors to contact you about opportunities.
By combining the money that you make from your own blog and what you can make freelancing, you may be able to earn enough to go full-time. And as the income from your own blog grows you can scale back on the freelance work.

3. Set Specific Working Hours

One of the major challenges of blogging part-time is that you have to be very disciplined and efficient with the limited time that you have available. If you’re working a full-time job you may not feel like working on your blog when you come home in the evenings. It’s easy to let distractions take away the time that you have for the blog, and the result is slower growth.
I highly recommend that you approach your blog as if it is a part-time job. Set working hours for yourself and stick to them. You could set a window of a few hours that you will work in the evenings, or maybe specific evenings that you will work each week. You can also set weekend hours that will be dedicated to your “job” of building the blog. If you approach it this way you should wind up with more time working on your blog, which can speed up the growth process.
While it may not seem like much fun to give yourself a part-time job, if you view it as a temporary situation that could lead you to being able to leave your full-time job it may give you more motivation.

4. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

This advice really applies to any blogger, but it’s especially relevant for anyone with very limited time for working on the blog. As a part-timer you won’t be able to compete with top blogs that crank out high volumes of content. Regardless of how knowledgeable or how talented you are, you simply won’t have the time to be able to stand out based on quantity of posts.
I recommend that you make sure that each post you publish is the higest quality possible in order to make your blog the most useful for visitors, which should ultimately lead to more traffic and more income for you. If that means that you only publish one quality post per week instead of three lesser quality posts, that’s ok.

5. Diversify Your Income Sources

If you’re relying exclusively or primarily on one source of income you’re probably not maximizing what you can make from your blog, and you’re also not in the most secure position. With my first blog ad sales was my only monetization method for a long time. Although I made a decent amount of money from as sales, once I worked to add some other revenue streams the income from the blog really took off. I started using AdSense and then moved into product sales and a little bit of affiliate promotions. If I had done that earlier I could have made a lot more money from the blog and had better security by not relying exclusively on ad sales.
Whatever monetization methods you are using with your blog, take a look and see what other types of income sources might be a good fit as well. For some detailed information about different options please see the Ultimate Guide to Blog Monetization.

6. Build an Email List

Building an email list is something that should be a priority for part-time and full-time bloggers alike, but it’s a great way for part-timers to help themselves get over the hump. With an email list you can send links to your posts to increase traffic, promote affiliate products, promote your own products, and develop stronger relationships with your readers and subscribers.
Another great benefit of email lists for part-time bloggers is that the time requirement is not that significant. You can sign up for GetResponseMailChimpAWeber or another company for managing your list (GetResponse offers a free 30-day trial and MailChimp is free until you reach 2,000 subscribers). Once you’ve signed up you can set up your list in just a few minutes, and they’ll give you the code to paste into your blog for opt in forms. Now your list will start to grow as some of your visitors subscribe, and as your list grows it will become increasingly valuable to you.
If you want to speed up the process and grow your list quicker you can offer a offer a free resource as a bonus to anyone who subscribes. Things like special reports, case studies, ebooks, exclusive interviews, and premium content work very well for this purpose. You can also consider using popup plugins like Popup Domination or OptinMonster to increase opt in rates.
One of the great things about email lists is that they can be used in so many different ways and they are valuable regardless of what monetizaton approach you take with your blog. If you’re making money with ad sales and AdSense you can help to send more traffic to your blog by sending subscribers a link to your posts. If you’re selling your own products an email list is a great way to promote those products. If you’re monetizing your blog with affiliate links you can also use the list to promote those affiliate products.

7. Re-Invest

If you have a full-time job and you’re blogging part-time I highly suggest that you live on only the income from your full-time job, if possible. Re-invest some of the money that you are making from the blog, and also set some aside for savings (more on that in a minute).  That way, you can;
  • Use the money you’re re-investing to hire a designer to create a custom theme to make your blog look more professional.
  • Outsource some work to create a product that you can sell for months or maybe years to come.
  • Pay for some advertising to help grow your blog and your list faster.
There are plenty of ways that you can improve your blog and your business if you have some money to re-invest.

8. Establish Emergency Savings Before Going Full-Time

I also strongly recommend that you save as much money as you can while you still have a full-time job. This savings can be used to pay your living expenses when you first leave your full-time job in case your blog does not produce enough income right away.
Another reason to save and re-invest instead of spending your part-time blogging income is that you won’t have to make as many lifestyle adjustments when you do leave your full-time job. If you get used to living on the income from your job as well as the income from your blog it will feel like a big change when you leave the job. If you never get used to living on the blog income you’ll hopefully get to a point when you can basically replace the income from your job with what you are making from your blog.
Learn to become a successful blogger
I got a question emailed to me today from a reader asking exactly what he needed to learn about in order to become a successful blogger.  Well that isn’t the easiest question to answer in a simple email as there is SO MUCH that goes into becoming a blogger that many people don’t realise.   Instead, I thought it would make a good topic for a post.
What do I need to learn to become a successful blogger?” is a question that I think many aspiring bloggers want the answer to when first starting out, I know I was eager to learn before I launched my first site.   Whilst some topics are obvious that you need to learn about, others are not so until you come to need them further down the line.
This particular question got me thinking quite a bit about which things you specifically need to learn about sooner rather than later.  I therefore came up with 12 things that every blogger really NEEDS to know about when starting out online.  Obviously this list could have been much longer, but I tried to keep it relatively short so as not to overwhelm any newbies.  Learn about these and you will have a good solid foundation to build a successful site upon.


SEO, or as it is properly know – Search Engine Optimization – is a subject that you must learn about.  I decided to place this first on the list as I feel that it is THE most important thing any blogger or website owner should learn about (I can’t stress that enough).
What is Search Engine Optimization?  Well basically, it is the term given to understanding and implementing the way in which search engines to help benefit your website.  The vast majority of website traffic that a site receives will come from the search engines, so by making the most of them you can make sure that lots of people find your site.
SEO can be divided into two separate sections;
On-page SEO refers to the techniques that you can use ON your website to boost traffic and web rankings (such as; keyword placement, using Alt tags, meta descriptions, etc.), whereas Off-page SEO refers to the techniques used, you guessed it, OFF your site (such as; social media, guest blogging, link baiting, etc.).
Both are very important, but I would definitely put more emphasis on learning about On-page SEO techniques.  This will help you to understand how the World Wide Web works and, more importantly, how you can create content and structure your site to make the maximum impact online.
If you only take one thing from this entire list, make sure your set time aside to learn about SEO.  It WILL help you in the long run!

2. Writing

Nobody can become a blogger without first knowing how to write.  Whilst this may seem absurdly obvious, there is a lot more to writing than simply stringing a few sentences together.
Writing is something that certainly develops over time.  Just think about when you first learned how to write as a 3-4 year old and compare it to how you write now.  Well the same can be said when you first start out blogging.  We all know how to write, but there is a big difference between writing every now and then, and writing 1000+ words several times a week (maybe even daily).
You need to be prepared to make mistakes along the way.  Your first blog posts will probably take a good while to write, yet they will be nowhere near as good as the ones you write a year, two years, ten years down the line.  You need to be prepared to learn your craft, develop as a writer and find your voice/writing style.  The only way to do this is to write on a regular basis, so get stuck in.
You also need to make sure that you brush up on your spelling and grammar.  Too often I see posts littered with mistakes.  People do notice them and they can have a bigger effect on your audience than you would imagine.  You are publishing posts under your name so take pride in your work and try to make them as good as you possibly can.

3. Content Creation

Yes, writing and content creation are two very different things.  You could be an excellent writer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can create good quality content for your website.
Quality website content needs to, not only attract readers, but engage them as well.  You need to learn how to construct posts that entice people to keep reading to the end of an article, to leave comments and to click on your other pages.  Again, this comes with practice and you will get better at it over time.
Content creation actually covers a whole host of different areas, such as;
  • On-page SEO (yes that again!),
  • Creating engaging titles,
  • Engaging introductions,
  • Images,
  • Video,
  • Audio,
  • Internal linking,
  • External linking,
  • Call to action,
To learn more about content creation, check out our in-depth guide to creating quality blog posts.

4. Niche Blogging & Understanding Your Target Market

There is one thing that all successful blogs have in common – they are all run like a normal business.
Blogging is a business, so you should treat it like that.  If you want to create a successful blog then you have to approach it in a professional way.  That means taking time to research the niche subject that you want to focus on and not just jump in two footed because you enjoy it.  If you can find a gap in the market that no one is yet covering, or alternatively find something that is already being covered and do it better, then you may be onto a winner.
Understanding your target market/target audience is also extremely important.  If you know who you are aiming for, or what types of people are actually visiting your site, you can better tailor your content to suit them.

5. Domain, Hosting & WordPress

If you want to start a blog online, you will have to, at some point, learn how to set one up.  Many new bloggers find this process daunting, but when you actually learn what goes into setting up a site online you will find that it isn’t that bad.  In fact it is quite straight forward.
Essentially all you need is 3 things;
  • Domain name (i.e. www.YourDomainName.com)
  • Web hosting (where your website files are stored online)
  • WordPress (the framework that you build your site on)
I’m not going to go into detail about these things in this post as you can find more information in our Domain Name RegistrationBeginners Guide To Web Hosting and Getting Started With WordPressguides.


Now here is a subject that many people dread learning about when starting out.  Thankfully, most bloggers only need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS to get them on their way.
The vast majority of your time will be spent creating and editing your website in WordPress, but occasionally you may need to edit little bits of code here and there.  This is where a basic knowledge of HTML & CSS comes in.
Check out this fantastic site that you can visit to learn more about HTML & CSS.

7. Social Media

We are all familiar with social media as we all use it every day to chat with our friends and family.  Despite that, do you actually know how social media works?  You may be nodding, yet I very much doubt you do.
Social media is dead easy to understand when you are using it yourself.  Perhaps you only use one or two networks (i.e. Twitter and Facebook) and only tend to communicate with a handful of people regularly.  Things change, however, when you approach social media for your website.  Not only do you need to be familiar with more networks (i.e. Google+, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, etc.), but you need to know how each works differently.
You also need to realise that different social networks are better at different things.  Twitter, for example, is great for talking to people directly, whereas Google+ is better for sharing images and videos with people.  Again, this may seem obvious but it has big implications for how you use them for your business.  There are only so many hours in the day after all.

8. Social Media Marketing

There is a big difference between social media and social media marketing.  Social media is a great way to interact with existing fans of your website.  Social media marketing though is fantastic for finding new fans and helping to spread the word about your blog around the world.
You will need to learn about;
  • The marketing rules & regulations of each social network,
  • #Hashtag trends that you can tap into,
  • Groups/pages/communities that you can join,
  • Advertising policies,
  • Setting up dedicated pages for your blog,
  • URL shorteners,
There are literally billions of people using social media every day.  You just need to learn how to tap into a tiny fraction of that in order to build a community around your site.

9. Networking

Yes, networking and I’m not talking about social networking this time.  There is a famous phrase – “It’s not what you know, but who you know that matters.” that is particularly important for bloggers to remember.
Blogging, as an industry, is one great big community.  Not only is that built up of regular readers, but also by other bloggers as well.  You need to get out there and start making connections with other blog owners.  This doesn’t just apply to other bloggers in your niche, but bloggers who run sites in other industries as well.  Why is this important?  Well not only is it good to learn from one another, but you can help to promote each other’s sites.   Why would you want to promote other people’s sites though?  Well because you can tap into each other’s audience of course.
I have met some fantastic bloggers online from around the world through running this site, some of which I now work with on other projects.  I have been able to learn so much from them and get help when I needed it.  After all, it’s good to know people who are in a similar situation to you.

10. Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools

Google Analytics
A couple of incredibly important tools to learn about are Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools.  Both of these greatly help you to understand how your site is performing and can identify areas in which you can improve.  Only by understanding this can your site grow and develop over time.
Again, I’m not going to go into detail about these tools in this post, as there is far too much to cover.  You can, however, check out both our Beginners Guide To Google Analytics and Beginners Guide To Google Webmaster Tools for more info on using them.

11. Photoshop

Photoshop, or an equivalent image manipulator (like GIMP or Paint.NET) is a vital tool for you to use and learn about.  Every blog and website needs images and graphics, so being able to edit them properly is extremely important.
WordPress allows you to upload and edit images within your site itself, but that is very limited.  Whilst it may take slightly longer, it is much better to edit your images before you upload them to your site.  Not only does this mean you can keep image file sizes down, but doing so can help keep your site running quickly.  Site speed is vitally important, so making the effort to optimize your images in Photoshop beforehand is well worth the effort.

12. Branding

Lastly, I want to cover branding as this is often a subject that many new blogs fail to do properly.  In order to create a successful blog, you must create a brand identity that people will be able to recognise.  This can be as simple as designing a logo or using the same pallet of colours across your entire site.  Whatever it is, it needs to be distinctive so that it helps you stand out from the crowd.
It is also important that you use the same branding for your site everywhere.  Make sure that you use the same logo/colours/tag line on your website, social media profiles, emails, newsletters, etc.  Everywhere that people can find you.  That way, people will start to notice you more online and you will begin to build up a community of readers.

Learn To Become A Successful Blogger

Like I said at the beginning of this post, this list could have been much bigger.  I haven’t even mentioned things like; advertising, affiliate marketing, product creation, etc.  All of those are important, but when first starting out you can probably forget about them for now.
If you focus on the 12 things that I have listed above, you will develop a solid foundation on which to build and grow your site over time.  If you get the fundamentals right, everything else will follow.
I see most of the people are searching all the time on internet that which are the highest earning websites or blogs by the program Adsense.  And they are very much crazy to know about the websites. So from best of all searches on the internet I brings out the best top 10 Adsense earning website’s details for your interest.  Now we are here to share information about your desire that how much money want really from Google Adsense Program. Now a days this is one of the common questions faced by bloggers and Internet entrepreneurs who wish to earn money from their website and from Adsense earnings.  Have you just started your website or you are probably aware of how difficult it can be to generate significant revenue from Adsense Program.
Top Google Adsense Earners
I think here everyone know that the Google’s Adsense is one of the most popular ways to make money online from your website. And its earning potential can seem limited to start In Spite of this it required very high amount of hard work and dedication. Than only it is indeed possible for you too to earn a decent income from Adsense Program.  We heard many success stories of websites that earn millions in revenue every year from Adsense Program. These sites can be a source of inspiration for our efforts to achieve more revenue.
Know How Actually the Adsense Work Does
Here first want to tell you that entire how Adsense actually works:
This is the best ever in all Google’s advertising programmed for publishers and site owners and it is free to join around the globe.  Once you are accepted, you will be able to place Google ads units on your web pages, a maximum of three ad units per page. When visitors to your web site click on these ads than you will earn a share of the revenue Google makes from the ad and you gain.
Actual amount you receive per click can be anything from a few cents to a couple of dollars it is all depending on how competitive your keywords are to the Adsense program. Either a lot of visitors or your click through rates is favorable then your earnings can easily go up. Others are many ways to make money online however Adsense is one of the easiest and most widely used methods to earn money online.
More to addition in making money by displaying Adsense on your own site by this you can also take advantage of other article sites that share Adsense revenue with publishers. Now the time to discuss about top 10 earning Adsense revenue websites.
Here are ten top earning Adsense websites, not in any specific order.
This website alone is one of the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology with the name as Mashable. The site Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the globe with new findings.
Launched –                    2005
Founder –                       Pete CashMore
Adsense Earning –        $6,00,000 Per Month
Monthly Page Views –  25 million
This is not a single website even “Weblogs, Inc. is a blog network of about 90 blogs, and it is covering a variety of subjects, from computers and gaming to the likes of food and independent film over and over and It was bought by AOL in 2005 for $25 Millions.
Launched –                    2003
Founders: —                   Brian Alvey and Jason Calacanis
Adsense Earning –        $190,000 Per Month
Monthly Page Views – 25 million
Digital Point
Here another website name is Digital Point. And it is one of the most popular discussion forums on the web related to Search Engines, including Optimization and Marketing, Tools and other Technical aspects.
Launched –                     1995 (under the name Data Point Solutions)
Founder –                       Shawn Hogan
Adsense Earnings –       $5,00,000 / month
Techcrunch.com blog was started by blogger Michael Arringtonin the year of 2005.And this site specializes in information for Start ups and Technology.   It has High quality audience from around the world have made him one of the most influential bloggers in the world in 2010 AOL bought it over for $30 millions.
 Launched –                        2005
Founder –                           Michael Arrington
Adsense Earnings –           $2,40,000
This is Digg.com and it is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web around the globe. About this site  The famous social news website was started by Kevin Rose  as the name Digg.com, and he is valued at over $31 Millions. Digg is another one of the high earning adses websites on this list.
Launched –                          2004
Founder–                             Kevin Rose
Adsense Earnings –           $250,000.00 per month
Daily Visits –                       1 Million Visitors a day
Perez Hilton
This website is created with the name “Perez Hilton”. And it was started by Mario Lavandeira who has earned a name for offering celebrity news and juicy gossips on their website. All the time he writes 25-30 post everyday.  And Blogging has made him a celebrity and he regularly gets featured on talk shows and events on daily basis.
Launched –                         2005
Founder–                            Mario Lavandeira
Adsense Earnings –           $2,00,000
Daily Visits –                       1 Million Visitors a day
Shoe Money
Here another great success story about Shoe money. This is a blog that teached people how to make money on the Internet. It was started by Jeremy Shoemaker and You may have come across the famous photo of him with a check for $130,000 (one-month earnings from Google AdSense) that became popular a few years ago in the world or earning online people.
Launched –                           2003
Founder –                             Jeremy Shoemaker
Adsense Earnings –             $140,000 per month
Now here we discuss Tweetmeme was a website that tracks Conversations, Stories and Trends on one of the Biggets Social Networking Websites, Twitter. And at this websites the famous RetWeet button found on nearly a million blogs was initially at first time introduced by Tweetmeme. At that time no doubt that was one of the fastest growing sites and rose to a Global Rank of 300 in just in single year.
Launched –                     2008
Founder –                       Nick Halstead
Adsense Earnings–        $2,25,000 / Month
Traffic –                           385,000 unique visitors / month
Plenty Of Fish
The website Plenty of Fish was started by Canadian internet entrepreneur Markus Frind and his Girlfriend in the year of 2003 soon after starting his site at that time he was only able in making $40 a day from Adsense Program. And same by the year 2007 on good days, his daily earnings had risen to as high as $30,000 a day from more than over 1 billion page views a month I think this was the great achievement.
PlentyOf Fish
Launched –                     2003
Founder –                       Markus Friend
Adsense Earnings –       US$300,000.00 per month
Here  I am  adding an image of a 2 months cheque received by Plenty of Fish as far back in 2006 for over $900,000 as reported on plenty of fish blog on WordPress by google adsene. This two month cheque alone shows an average of $450K per month wow.
Most of the people on internet think that only the big names can earn money via Adsesense, Here is take a look at this site from India below by Pankaj Agarwal founded Clickindia just 2 years ago and it zoomed up with classified ads posted by people all over india in Alexa top 1k list now at present . Further he earned in Adsense clickindia only revenue model and thus they have Optimized the site well for maximum CTR and for becoming the highest Adsense earner from his country at right away.
Launched –                   2007
Founder –                     Pankaj Agarwal
Adsense Earning –      $85,000/ month
Page-views/Visits –     5.5 million unique users a month
As we know there are millions of sites that use Adsense now a day on internet around the globe. And in all that the majority of them struggle to make even $1 per day, some even less by their knowledge and efforts. Here I just shared only the success stories above. I do not want to give you false hope that it is easy to generate revenues like this. In fact, it is very far from it. But never the less, It firmly believe that it is possible to do so with commitment and dedication. If you are willing to devote two or three years to write quality content for your website, your chances for making a full time income from your site are very good and for long time as well. Than only you can achieve it with any effort then I suggest you look for alternative methods. I am confident that it is possible to make a decent full-time income simply by blogging that is why I am here and you are reading it .