2010, giving peace a chance, changed strategy of people to use stones and bricks that left more than one hundred fifty dead.
An estimated one million Kashmiris marched through the streets of Srinagar, the disputed state's capital, on Friday, Aug. 22, many waving the green flag of Islam and demanding freedom - azadi - from Indian rule. A harsh crackdown followed. The message should be that exacerbating the trouble in Kashmir will only make things worse between us. At the same time, it should urge the Indians to show restraint. This includes reining in their natural tendency to pin the blame on Pakistan for their own mistakes in dealing with the Kashmiris. HOWARD AND TERESITA SCHAFFER [Kashmir's fuse alight]   [THE WASHINGTON TIMES] [September 3, 2008]
Sir Walter Lawrence in his book "The Valley of Kashmir" writes:
"Much has been written by Europeans on the subject of this beautiful country since Bernier told the world of 'Cashmere' the Paradise of the Indies, and even the languid orientals, supposed by some to be incapable of appreciating beauty of scenery, are moved to admiration when they see Kashmir. In their language the valley is an emerald set in pearls; a land of lakes, clear streams, green turf, magnificent trees and mighty mountains - where the air is cool, and the water sweet, where men are strong, and women vie with the soil in fruitfulness."
An impression created by mischief mongers that Muslim rulers of Kashmir converted people using force and also desecrated or destroyed places of worship belonging to the majority Hindu and Buddhist community. It is illogical to think that any Muslim ruler would make a few million Muslims to migrate and drive the local population out. The fact remains that the call of Islam heeded by huge majority rejected idol worship and would not need the idols any more. In this connection M L Kapur in his book ´History of Jammu & Kashmir´ talks about Muslim rulers and makes a special mention of Sultan Sikandar (1389-1413) who banned gambling, drinking of wine, dancing of women and the practice of Sati among the Hindus. In matters of religion also, Shah Mir and most of the successors were perfectly tolerant, and made no distinction between their Hindu and Muslim subjects. Qutb-ud-Din 1373-89) even used to offer prayers at the Hindu temples.

Accession Story: STATE OF KASHMIR

Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir, inheriting the throne in 1925 was the reigning monarch in 1947. As parties to the partition process, both India and Pakistan had agreed that the rulers of princely states would be given the right to opt for either dominion or in special cases remain independent. Though the controversial article 370 of Indian constitution was very much in place that would not allow outsiders to claim 'state subject status', a systematic manipulation by successive governments imposed by India changed the demographic character by allowing Hindu population to infiltrate and settle in Jammu, the area dominated by Hindus. The intrigue could not succeed in Kashmir as these would be settlers could easily be identified due to their culture, language, race or colour. The Maharaja offered to sign a "standstill" agreement with Pakistan, which ensured continuity of supplies, trade, travel, and communication between the two. The centuries old tradition of trade, between the areas that formed Pakistan and Kashmir, had also a railway line and a road to Srinagar that made access to the valley easier.
Hari Singh wanted Jammu and Kashmir to remain independent. In order to buy some time, he signed a stand-still agreement, which side-stepped the agreement that each princely state would join either India or Pakistan. Initially Hari Singh tried to resist their progress but failed. So on 26 October 1947 purported Kashmir accession papers were signed and Indian troops were airlifted to Srinagar. The growing Indian clandestine political activity sent alarming bells to the newly created independent nation of Pakistan and very little could be done by Pakistan´s shocked Governor-General Mohammad Ali Jinnah whose army Chief General Douglas Gracy preferred to act on the orders received from Governor General of India Lord Mountbatten. The invasion from North-West Frontier Province in October 1947 masterminded by Major Khursheed Anwar to occupy and annex Kashmir to become a part of Pakistan lacked planning having no initial support from Pakistan army. As there already was an uprising against the Maharaja it was wrongly presumed that the going would be easy and smooth. Little did the invading planners know that Sheikh Abdullah was in command of the ground situation and the fact that beguiled Sheikh had managed to sedate the local population who in turn offered no resistance and stayed indifferent to the landing of Indian forces In Kashmir? That was most important part of the plan and without Sheikh roped in the plan would definitely fail.
Maharaja fleeing in fear reached Jammu and arranged to contact Mountbatten for assistance and the entire running to and fro by a very close confidant of Mountbatten, V P Menon made this process easy, and the Governor-General agreed on the condition that the ruler accedes to India. Once the Maharaja signed the Instrument of Accession that is believed to be unauthentic, Indian soldiers transported by air and road entered Kashmir and a battle ensued and the only thing Indian military managed was to stop the raiders from advancing further to more than half the state. Pakistan, apart from a third of the region, controls the Northern Areas, or historically known as regions of Gilgit and Baltistan. The United Nations was then invited to mediate and the UN mission insisted that the opinion of people of Kashmir must be ascertained, while India insisted that no referendum could occur until all of the state had been cleared of irregulars. However, Pakistan and people of Kashmir who claim that the Indian army entered Kashmir before the Instrument of Accession was signed.
United Nation resolutions to hold a plebiscite with regard to Kashmir's future has not been held on either side. The legal requirement for holding of a plebiscite was the withdrawal of the Indian and Pakistani armies from the parts of Kashmir that were under their respective occupation, a withdrawal that never did take place. In 1949, a cease-fire line separating the Indian and Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir was formally put into effect.
The Pakistani government immediately contested the accession, suggesting that it was fraudulent, that the Maharaja acted under duress, and that he had no right to sign an agreement with India when the standstill agreement with Pakistan was still in force.
Maharaja Hari Singh´s refusal to accede to either dominion created a wedge between Indian leaders especially Nehru, Patel and the Maharaja. This led to a different strategy adopted by Nehru and the caucus around him and it was decided to sideline Maharaja and win over Kashmir´s upcoming leader Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah instead. Sheikh Abdullah by then had emerged a strong political leader but due to his lack of political maturity fell a prey to Nehru´s machinations and faltered. Maharaja fearing pressure from NWFP who entered Kashmir agreed to join India by signing the controversial Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947. Kashmir was provisionally accepted into the Indian Union pending a free and impartial plebiscite. This was spelled out in a letter from the Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten, to the Maharaja on 27th October 1947. In the letter, accepting the accession, Mountbatten made it clear that the State would only be incorporated into the Indian Union after a reference had been made to the people of Kashmir. In the last days of 1948, a ceasefire was agreed under UN auspices; however, since the plebiscite demanded by the UN was never conducted, relations between India and Pakistan soured.
The UN Security Council on 20th January 1948 passed Resolution 39, establishing a special commission to investigate the conflict. Subsequent to the commission's recommendation, the Security Council ordered in its Resolution 47, passed on 21 April 1948, that Pakistan retreat from Jammu & Kashmir and that the accession of Kashmir is determined in accordance with a plebiscite to be supervised by the UN. In a string of subsequent resolutions, the Security Council took notice of the continuing failure by India to hold the Plebiscite, and Pakistan never left the part of the Kashmir they occupied as required by the Security Council resolution 47. The Government of India holds that the Maharaja signed a document of accession with India on October 26, 1947. Pakistan has disputed whether the Maharaja actually signed the accession treaty before Indian troops entered Kashmir.
This not being enough for Kashmir ordeal, in the mid-1950s the Chinese army entered the northeast portion of Ladakh. By 1956-57 they completed a military road through the Aksai Chin area to provide better communication between their Muslim province of Xinjiang and western Tibet. China has occupied Aksai Chin since 1962 and in addition to this; unfortunately, Trans-Karakoram Tract was ceded by Pakistan to China in 1965.
Hari Singh in 1949 left Jammu and Kashmir, and yielded the government to Sheikh Abdullah, backed by Nehru. Since then, a bitter enmity has developed between India and Pakistan and three wars fought between these new nuclear powers over Kashmir have made this a volatile situation having dangerous consequences. The growing dispute over Kashmir also led to an uprising by local population against India and rise of militancy in the state to fight the Indian rule. The year 1989 saw the intensification of conflict in Jammu and Kashmir as more than one hundred thousand men, women and children are slaughtered for a mere crime of asking for freedom from foreign rule.
The Maharaja made an Order on October 30, 1947 appointing Sheikh Abdullah the Head of the Emergency Administration, replacing it, on March 5, 1948, with Interim Government with the Sheikh as Prime Minister. It was enjoined to convene a National Assembly "to frame a Constitution" for the State.
Sheikh Abdullah had no cards to play when he concluded an Accord with Indira Gandhi and became Chief Minister on February 24, 1975. At the outset, on August 23, 1974, he had written to G. Parthasarathy: "I hope that I have made it abundantly clear to you that I can assume office only on the basis of the position as it existed on August 8, 1953." Judgment on the changes since "will be deferred until the newly elected Assembly comes into being".
On June 16, 1949, Sheikh Abdullah, Mirza Afzal Beg, Maulana Masoodi and Moti Ram Bagda joined the Constituent Assembly of India. Negotiations began in earnest on Article 370. N. Gopalaswamy Ayyangar tried to reconcile the differences between Patel and Abdullah. A text, agreed on October 16, was moved in the Constituent Assembly the next day, unilaterally altered by Ayyangar. "A trivial change," as he admitted in a letter to the Sheikh on October 18. Patel confirmed it to Nehru on November 3 on his return from the United States. Beg had withdrawn his amendment after the accord. Abdullah and he were in the lobby, and rushed to the House when they learnt of the change. In its original form the draft would have made the Sheikh's ouster in 1953 impossible.
The State's Constitution was overridden by the Delhi's orders. Its basic structure was altered. A Governor nominated by the Centre replaced the head of the State elected by the State legislature. Article 356 (imposition of President's Rule) was applied despite provision in the State's Constitution for Governor's rule (Section 92). This was done on November 21, 1964. On November 24, 1966, the Governor replaced the Sadar-i-Riyasat after the State's Constitution had been amended on April 10, 196 5 by the 6th Amendment in violation of Section 147 of the Constitution. Article 370 was used freely not only to amend the Constitution of India but also of the State. On July 23, 1975 an Order was made debarring the State legislature from amending the State Constitution on matters in respect of the Governor, the Election Commission and even "the composition" of the Upper House, the Legislative Council.
GIVEN their record, whenever Kashmir is involved, how can anyone ask Kashmiris to welcome Union institutions (such as the Election Commission) with warmth?
This was a political accord between an individual, however eminent, and the Government, like the Punjab Accord (July 24, 1985); the Assam Accord (August 15, 1985); the Nagaland Accord (November 11, 1975); and the Mizoram Accord (June 30, 1986) - e ach between the government and the opposition. It cannot override Article 370; still less sanctifies Constitutional abuse. It bound the Sheikh alone and only until 1977.
This was explicitly an accord on "political cooperation between us", as Indira Gandhi wrote (December 16, 1974). On February 12, 1975, Abdullah recorded that it provided "a good basis for my cooperation at the political level". In Parliament on March 3, 1975 she called it a "new political understanding". He was made Chief Minister on February 24, backed by the Congress' majority in the Assembly and on the understanding of a fresh election soon. Sheikh Abdullah's memoirs Aatish-e-Chinar (Urdu) record her backtracking on the pledge and the Congress' perfidy in March 1977 when she lost the Lok Sabha elections. It withdrew support and staked a claim to form a government. Governor's Rule was imposed. The Sheikh's National Conference won the elections with a resounding majority on the pledge to restore Jammu and Kashmir's autonomy, which was also Farooq's pledge in 1996. The 1975 accord had collapsed.

Indian story: Justification for occupation

The people of India are generally perceived to be sympathetic to the plight of Kashmiris and believe that holding on to Kashmir is a political mistake and believe Kashmiris to have the legitimate right to choose their future as was promised to them by the leaders of India and United Nations resolutions. The people are also aware that huge resources are being diverted to defence rather than improve the situation of more than sixty percent population living below the poverty line. Apart from turning the valley into a concentration camp with nearly a million troops armed to teeth, the situation becomes clear with just one example among many others. The leaders of scores of hindu fundamentalist organisations, Sang Parivar, Bajrag Dal, Hindu Mahasabha and many others travel to the valley to fly Indian national flag and sing national anthem in Lal chowk(red square) of Srinagar, the capital city. This all is done by imposing a curfew and putting the entire population behind doors so that they can demonstrate and prove to the people of India that "Kashmir hamara hai" (Kashmir is ours). A special reference can be made to hindu fandamantalist Murli Manohar joshi's trip on January 26th 1992 and this has been going on since October 14, 1947. The global political scene changed dramatically after 9/11 and it did help India to put Kashmir question on the back burner and a hope that the passing time might create an atmosphere of normalcy using a carrot and stick policy. India also received some help by managing to divide the political forces in Kashmir and because of the wrong approach, divided opinion among "leaders" any political progress is hampered and again Indian strategy, it seems, is working by receiving this indirect help. A glimmer of hope is envisaged due the current global political situation when USA is extending its sphere of influence throughout Europe and its control on the economic resources is becoming firmer day by day. In this context, it is very important for rest of the world community especially third world countries to create an economic block of their own to be able to survive in future. It has become vitally important for India, Pakistan, China and Russia to lead this new block and in future this would guarantee to create a peaceful conducive atmosphere and allow people to live in a friendly environment. This all can be achieved if Kashmir is left alone by both India and Pakistan. As parties to the partition both India and Pakistan had agreed that the rulers of the Princely states would be given the right to opt either for India or Pakistan or in special case to remain independent. United Nations Organization in its resolutions of Jan 20, 1948, 1939 and April 21, 1948 insists that the opinion of Kashmiris must be ascertained.
Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, initially, seemed sincere towards kashmir but the caucus of harldliner Hindu fundamentalist forces around made him to think otherwise, in this connection Pandit Nehru, in the Lok Sabha (Parliament) on June 26 and August 7, 1952 said:
"I say with all respect to our Constitution that it just does not matter what your Constitution says; if the people of Kashmir do not want it, it will not go there. Because what is the alternative? The alternative is compulsion and coercion...""We have fought the good fight about Kashmir on the field of battle... (and) ...in many a chancellery of the world and in the United Nations, but, above all, we have fought this fight in the hearts and minds of men and women of that State of Jammu and Kashmir. Because, ultimately - I say this with all deference to this Parliament - the decision will be made in the hearts and minds of the men and women of Kashmir; neither in this Parliament, nor in the United Nations nor by anybody else,"
Alastair Lamb in his 'Birth of a tragedy' comments on the political situation in Kashmir "The tragedy of Kashmir, and all its ramifications and consequences, must stop. No person with the modicum of concern for human rights can contest this proposition. What is disputed, of course, is how the horror can be ended."
That Maharaja of Kashmir; Sir Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession with India; and the popular upcoming leader of Kashmir, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah ratified the Accession document and;
The plebiscite or Right of Self- Determination as per the understanding reached with a commitment to Last Viceroy Lord Mountbatten or UN Security Council Resolutions is null and void due to the reason that Kashmir held various local elections to choose their elected government and representatives. So, no need for a plebiscite, and
As per the UN Security Council Resolutions, Pakistan must vacate its occupation of the area of Kashmir and also minimal presence of Indian troops for a plebiscite, if at all, to be held,
and finally. the present uprising in Kashmir is nothing but Islamic terrorism helped, aided and abetted by Pakistan from across the border.
At the outset; the Accession Document signed by Maharaja Sir Hari Singh is considered highly controversial as many quarters believe that no such document was ever signed. In this connection Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw (erstwhile Army Chief of India) observed throwing light on the claim saying:
I was in the Palace when V P Menon, Mahajan (Mehr Chand) and the Maharaja were discussing the subject. The Maharaja was running from one room to another..I did not see Maharaja signing it(accession document), nor did I see Mahajan. All I do know is that V P Menon turned around and said, Sam weve got the accession.
Lord Mountbatten visited Kashmir in June, 1947 and in a conversation Mountbatten suggested to Maharaja that he should join Pakistan.
I dont want to accede to Pakistan on any account, Hari Singh answered. Well, Mountbatten said, it is up to you, but I think you should consider it very carefully since after all 90% of your people are Moslem. But, if you dont, then you must join India. In that case, I will see that an infantry division is sent up here to preserve the integrity of your boundaries.
No, replied the Maharaja, I dont wish to join India either. I wish to be independent.
So history proved Maharaja to be on the right and his tough stance for staying independent would have changed the course of history saving thousands of innocent lives. Unfortunately the die was cast to lay the foundation for more than a billion people to nurse a festering wound for decades. A serious dispassionate and objective effort must be made to probe into reasons that led to removal of Sheikh Abdullah from seat of power as interim Prime Minister, on August 9, 1953.
Initially, the intention of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, it is perceived, cannot be doubted as on several occasions he reiterated his declared position to Sheikh Abdullahs person, people of Kashmir, the international community and more importantly to the United Nations Security Council to grant the right of self determination to the State of Kashmir. To this effect, one of his (Pandit Nehru) several statements can be quoted to reveal his intention as on July 6, 1951 he said:
People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future.
The umbilical cord tightly in place of two bosom friends was smashed to smithereens and again it is vitally important to probe into the reasons creating a breach of trust and parting of ways. The history of Kashmir had to be re-written and the caucus of Kashmiri bureaucratic elite surrounded Pandit Nehru to remind him of imaginary threat to 4% Kashmiri Brahmans from Muslim majority Kashmir. The group succeeded to inveigle Pandit Ji in believing a far fetched possibility; though Kashmir, all along, had been peaceful under the leadership of Sheikh Abdullah with a popular slogan on every Kashmiri Muslims lips SHERI KASHMIR KA KYA IRSHAD HINDU MUSLIM SIKH ITIHAD (Sheikh Abdullahs avowed slogan, unity of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs) compared to whatever on the day was happening beyond Udhampur in Jammu Province.
In the spring of 1953, Pandit Nehru was made to believe that Sheikh Abdullah was playing with the idea of creating an independent sovereign nation of Kashmir as he met visiting US Democrat leader Adlai Stevenson and if that happened 4% fellow Kashmiris either would have the option to migrate to India or get annihilated. And charging him (Nehru) up emotionally was reminded of his ancestral heritage and culture of his forefathers that eventually would become a history.
Pandit Ji fell into a trap and took a somersault to hatch a conspiracy of sedition and treason against Sheikh Abdullah which became a turning point forcing Indian establishment to resort to schemes or intrigues deciding future of Kashmir relations as per the whims, wishes and directions of this elite group. Sheikh Abdullah, a towering personality, a crowed puller, a political messiah of Kashmiri masses was sidelined and replaced by poodles and puppets kept in power through rigged elections and each time deployment of army to conduct such elections meant more deaths.
To describe August 9, 1953 action taken by Pandit Nehru at the behest of elite privileged Kashmiri group, Dr. Karan Singh, the Yuvraj (Crown Prince) of Maharaja Hari Singh says: The history of the Indian sub- continent would have been "different" if the then Maharaja Hari Singh and Sheikh Abdullah had come to an agreement on the State soon after accession. Hari Singh had maintained a "dignified silence" over the events that took place in late 1940s and his "one statement could have deeply embarrassed the Indian government. Hari Singh had agreed to go to exile after signing the Instrument of Accession agreement with India and Sheikh Abdullah wrote a letter to him saying that despite all happenings "he would be a loyal subject" to him. "Had Maharaja Hari Singh and Sheikh Abdullah been able to come to an agreement, the whole history of the sub-continent would have been different. Unfortunately, that did not happen. My father was exiled and Sheikh Abdullah was dismissed (as Prime Minister). I dismissed him. I have to admit."
The two arguments that Maharaja signed the Accession and Sheikh Abdullah ratifying it fall like a pack of cards as it did not take, the people at helm, long to exile Maharaja and imprison Sheikh Abdullah. On the day when Sheikh Abdullah was removed, then popular leader of Kashmir, an estimated fifteen hundred people died in indiscriminate firing, crushing uprising with an iron hand put last nail in the coffin of total alienation from India.
The sham elections held for the last sixty five years have always been used to mislead the international community and Kashmiris felt cheated on all occasions and the degree of anger took a leap. Kashmiris believe that these elections were rather a need of the successive governments in New Delhi to maintain credibility of Indias democratic values that she has been struggling to uphold.
Elections, even if fair, cannot be an alternative for a plebiscite, a referendum or a right of self determination promised and conducted under the supervision of some UN body. Kashmiris believe that wars cannot be a solution as India cannot win the part held by Pakistan nor can Pakistan win the area held by India and Kashmir cannot be held as hostage to the argument that Pakistan should vacate the area occupied or vice-versa as that leads us back to square one.
India and Pakistan have to sit across the table and decide on a modus operandi for such a plebiscite or referendum. Kashmiris plea that everything right or wrong has been tried to put across their point seeking their legitimate rights but nothing seems to work. A lot of blood has already been spilled and a sparsely populated Kashmir cannot afford anymore killings.
Kashmirs large majority believes that relation with India would not be at a point of no return if Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had allowed politically firm Sheikh Abdullah to continue with developed understanding and refused to succumb to the pressure of the notorious bureaucratic elite group.
1989 saw a violent uprising against India, people of Kashmir taking up arms and the resultant loss of two generations numbering more than one hundred thousand people dead (Indian official figure as sixty thousand dead), hundreds of rapes, thousands disappeared consumed in torture chambers and millions worth of a huge number of properties turned into a mound of rubble.
Kashmir, officially referred to as Jammu and Kashmir, is an 86,000-square-mile region (about the size of Idaho) in northwest India and northeast Pakistan so breathtaking in physical beauty that Mugal or Moghul emperors in the 16th and 17th century considered it an earthly paradise. The region has been violently disputed by India and Pakistan since their 1947 partition, which created Pakistan as the Muslim counterpart to Hindu-majority India.
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(For a brief geographic and demographic description of the region, see the article, Kashmir.)

History of Kashmir

After centuries of Hindu and Buddhist rule, Muslim Moghul emperors took control of Kashmir in the 15th century, converted to population to Islam and incorporated it into the Moghul empire. Islamic Moghul rule should not be confused with modern forms of authoritarian Islamic regimes. The Moghul empire, characterized by the likes of Akbar the Great (1542-1605) embodied Enlightenment ideals of tolerance and pluralism a century before the rise of the European Enlightenment. (Moghuls left their mark on the subsequent Sufi-inspired form of Islam that dominated the subcontinent in India and Pakistan, before the rise of more jihadist-inspired Islamist mullahs.)
Afghan invaders followed the Moghuls in the 18th century, who were themselves driven out by Sikhs from Punjab. Britain invaded in the 19th century and sold the entire Kashmir Valley for half a million rupees (or three rupees per Kashmiri) to the brutal repressive ruler of Jammu, the Hindu Gulab Singh. It was under Singh that the Kashmir Valley became part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The 1947 India-Pakistan Partition and Kashmir

India and Pakistan were partitioned in 1947.
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Built by Muslims for Muslims
Kashmir was split as well, with two-thirds going to India and a third going to Pakistan, even though India's share was predominantly Muslim, like Pakistan. Muslims rebelled. India repressed them. War broke out. It wasn't settled until a 1949 cease-fire brokered by the United Nations and a resolution calling for a referendum, or plebiscite, allowing Kashmiris to decide their future for themselves. India has never implemented the resolution.
Instead, India has maintained what amounts to an occupying army in Kashmir, cultivating more resentment from the locals than fertile agricultural products. Modern India's founders, Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi, both had Kashmiri roots, which partially explains India's attachment to the region.
To India, "Kashmir for the Kashmiris" means nothing. Indian leaders' standard line is that Kashmir is "an integral part" of India.
In 1965, India and Pakistan fought their second of three major wars since 1947 over Kashmir. The United States was largely to blame for setting the stage for war.
The cease-fire three weeks later was not substantial beyond a demand that both sides put down their arms and a pledge to send international observers to Kashmir. Pakistan renewed its call for a referendum by Kashmir's mostly Muslim population of 5 million to decide the region's future, in accordance with a 1949 UN resolution. India continued to resist conducting such a plebiscite.
The 1965 war, in sum, settled nothing and merely put off future conflicts. (Read more about the Second Kashmir War.)

The Kashmir-Taliban Connection

With the rise to power of Muhammad Zia ul Haq (the dictator was president of Pakistan from 1977 to 1988), Pakistan began its slump toward Islamism. Zia saw in Islamists a mean of consolidating and maintaining his power. By patronizing the cause of anti-Soviet Mujahideens in Afghanistan beginning in 1979, Zia curried and won Washington's favor--and tapped into massive quantities of cash and weaponry the United States channeled through Zia to feed the Afghan insurgency. Zia had insisted that he be the conduit of arms and weaponry. Washington conceded.
Zia diverted large amounts of cash and weaponry to two pet projects: Pakistan's nuclear-weapons program, and developing an Islamist fighting force that would subcontract the fight against India in Kashmir. Zia largely succeeded at both. He financed and protected armed camps in Afghanistan that trained militants who'd be used in Kashmir. And he supported the rise of a hard-core Islamist corps in Pakistani Madrassas and in in Pakistan's tribal areas that would exert Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan and Kashmir. The corps' name: The Taliban.
So are the political and militant ramifications of recent Kashmiri history intimately connected with the rise of Islamism in northern and western Pakistan, and inAfghanistan.

Kashmir Today

According to a Congressional Research Service report, "Relations between Pakistan and India remain deadlocked on the issue of Kashmiri sovereignty, and a separatist rebellion has been underway in the region since 1989. Tensions were extremely high in the wake of the Kargil conflict of 1999, when an incursion by Pakistani soldiers led to a bloody six-week-long battle."
Tensions over Kashmir rose dangerously in fall 2001, forcing then-Secretary of State Colin Powell to de-escalate tensions in person. When a bomb exploded in the Indian Jammu and Kashmir state assembly and an armed band assaulted the Indian Parliament in New Delhi later that year, India mobilized 700,000 troops, threatened war, and provoked Pakistan into mobilizing its forces. American intervention compelled then-Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who had been particularly instrumental in further militarizing Kashmir, provoking the Kargil war there in 1999, and facilitating Islamist terrorism subsequently, in January 2002 vowed to end the presence of terrorist entities on Pakistani soil. He promised to ban and eliminate terrorist organizations, including Jemaah IslamiyahLashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed. Musharraf's pledges, as always, proved empty. Violence in Kashmir continued. In May 2002, an attack on an Indian army base at Kaluchak killed 34, most of them women and children. The attack again brought Pakistan and India to the brink of war.
Like the Arab-Israeli conflict, the conflict over cashmir remains unresolved. And like the Arab-Israeli conflict, it is the source, and perhaps the key, to peace in regions far greater than the territory in dispute.
Azad Jammu and Kashmir

The Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political dispute with India. So does the international community, except India. 

The exchange of fire between their forces across the Line of Control, which separates Azad Kashmir from Occupied Kashmir, is a routine affair. Now that both India and Pakistan have acquired nuclear weapons potential, the possibility of a third war between them over Kashmir, which may involve the use of nuclear weapons, cannot be ruled out. Kashmir may be a cause to a likely nuclear disaster in South Asia, which should be averted with an intervention by the international community. Such an intervention is urgently required to put an end to Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir and prepare the ground for the implementation of UN resolutions, which call for the holding of a plebiscite to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people. 

Cause of the Kashmir dispute 

India’s forcible occupation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 is the main cause of the dispute. India claims to have ‘signed’ a controversial document, the Instrument of Accession, on 26 October 1947 with the Maharaja of Kashmir, in which the Maharaja obtained India’s military help against popular insurgency. The people of Kashmir and Pakistan do not accept the Indian claim. There are doubts about the very existence of the Instrument of Accession. The United Nations also does not consider Indian claim as legally valid: it recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory. Except India, the entire world community recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory. The fact is that all the principles on the basis of which the Indian subcontinent was partitioned by the British in 1947 justify Kashmir becoming a part of Pakistan: the State had majority Muslim population, and it not only enjoyed geographical proximity with Pakistan but also had essential economic linkages with the territories constituting Pakistan.

History of the dispute
The State of Jammu and Kashmir has historically remained independent, except in the anarchical conditions of the late 18th and first half of the 19th century, or when incorporated in the vast empires set up by the Mauryas (3rd century BC), the Mughals (16th to 18th century) and the British (mid-19th to mid-20th century). All these empires included not only present-day India and Pakistan but some other countries of the region as well. Until 1846, Kashmir was part of the Sikh empire. In that year, the British defeated the Sikhs and sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh of Jammu for Rs. 7.5 million under the Treaty of Amritsar. Gulab Singh, the Maharaja, signed a separate treaty with the British, which gave him the status of an independent princely ruler of Kashmir. Gulab Singh died in 1857 and was replaced by Rambir Singh (1857-1885). Two other Maharajas, Partab Singh (1885-1925) and Hari Singh (1925-1949) ruled in succession.

Gulab Singh and his successors ruled Kashmir in a tyrannical and repressive way. The people of Kashmir, nearly 80 per cent of who were Muslims, rose against Maharaja Hari Singh’s rule. He ruthlessly crushed a mass uprising in 1931. In 1932, Sheikh Abdullah formed Kashmir’s first political party—the All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference (renamed as National Conference in 1939). In 1934, the Maharaja gave way and allowed limited democracy in the form of a Legislative Assembly. However, unease with the Maharaja’s rule continued. According to the instruments of partition of India, the rulers of princely states were given the choice to freely accede to either India or Pakistan, or to remain independent. They were, however, advised to accede to the contiguous dominion, taking into consideration the geographical and ethnic issues. 

In Kashmir, however, the Maharaja hesitated. The principally Muslim population, having seen the early and covert arrival of Indian troops, rebelled and things got out of the Maharaja’s hands. The people of Kashmir were demanding to join Pakistan. The Maharaja, fearing tribal warfare, eventually gave way to the Indian pressure and agreed to join India by, as India claims, ‘signing’ the controversial Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947. Kashmir was provisionally accepted into the Indian Union pending a free and impartial plebiscite. This was spelled out in a letter from the Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten, to the Maharaja on 27 October 1947. In the letter, accepting the accession, Mountbatten made it clear that the State would only be incorporated into the Indian Union after a reference had been made to the people of Kashmir. Having accepted the principle of a plebiscite, India has since obstructed all attempts at holding a plebiscite.

In 1947, India and Pakistan went to war over Kashmir. During the war, it was India, which first took the Kashmir dispute to the United Nations on 1 January 1948 The following year, on 1 January 1949, the UN helped enforce ceasefire between the two countries. The ceasefire line is called the Line of Control. It was an outcome of a mutual consent by India and Pakistan that the UN Security Council (UNSC) and UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) passed several resolutions in years following the 1947-48 war. The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948--one of the principal UN resolutions on Kashmir—stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”. Subsequent UNSC Resolutions reiterated the same stand. UNCIP Resolutions of 3 August 1948 and 5 January 1949 reinforced UNSC resolutions.

Source: http://defence.pk/threads/information-about-azad-jammu-and-kashmir.1967/#ixzz401hUgZnX

Pakistan - History

2 Million years agoOldest Homosapiens lived here from 5 - 2 million years ago. Many articles of stone age are found from different Archeological sites and are displayed at different museums of Pakistan.
7000 BC 3500 BCVillage culture of Mahar Garh was developed. The site of Mahargarh reveals that people were cultivating crops on rain dependent lands. They were making excellent Quality of ceramics from terracotta. Some figurines of women have been found which are beautifully decorated and are displayed at various museums of Pakistan
3500 BC 3000 BCKot D Gian Culture . After the Mahargarh people moved eastward for better alluvial land and in search of a place less vulnerable of the dangers of river. They built fortified villages with mud & stone houses. They built tools of metal and were more learnt in the making of ceramics.
3300 BC 1700 BCThe people left the small villages and built a big city with all the civic facilities and planning. Emergence of prosperous Indus civilization . Moen Jo Daro was one of the main cities of this most advanced civilization of the world There are buildings made of baked bricks a rich treasure of ceramics covered drainage, grid system of the streets are few of the things of Indus civilization you can witness.
1700 BCIndus civilization was buried in time and Aryans arrive. There is no factual reason how Indus civilization was destroyed but it was certainly missing from the records after 1700BC
1200 BCEarliest hyms of Ragveda were written in the Indus valley (Pakistan) ragveda is the oldest writings
1000 BC 600 BCPost Indus civilization culture decline in art and architecture is seen. There are numerous un excavated sites of this period in Pakistan.
516 BC 486 BCThe Achiminidians of Persia ruled the Northern part as the eastern most province of Persia ( Gandhara ) King Darius made a map of the world and described the land beyond Indus as Deserta enconita (Unknown Desert) . Taxila the famous archeological site was established as the Capital of Gandhara
326 BCAlexander the great entered through Khyber pass and Chitral conquered the Kabul valley. The king of Taxila submitted before the Alexander and the whole region was conquered by Alexander. From the south of Indus he continued to Iran via Baluchistan desert (In Pakistan)
324 BCLand was governed by Philip one of the men of Alexander who was later assassinated ; Eudaamus was took his place as the ruler.
323 BCAlexander dies, the country remains in the hands of Eudamus
317 BCChandragupta the founder of Maurya empire takes over Punjab.
208 BC 274 BCChandragupta dies Asoka then Governor of Taxila accesses and unites the small kingdoms.
262 BCAsoka is impressed with a Buddhist monk and accepts Buddhism as his religion. The Ashes of Buddha are collected and are distributed into 8 different Stupas. Asoka propagates the teachings of Buddha and develops new rules for the religion.
250 BCFoundation of Bactria & Parthia Kingdoms in Afghanistan & North of Iran , by the greeks
232 BCDeath of Asoka the Maurya empire is badly disturbed and eventually breaks into small kingdoms.
189 BCBactrians take over Gandhara followed by Maurian descendents and later Greeks
90 BCSakas Parthians from central Asia after conquering Iran, Bactria etc take over Taxila
40 ADVisit of St. Thomas at Taxila his cathedral is still alive in Taxila.
60 ADKushans from central Asia take over Gandhara and propagate Buddhism Gandhara art is patronized and reaches at its peak
300 ADKushans are slowly replaces by Sassanians from Iran
400 ADKidar Kushans unite the country and take hold
455 ADWhite Huns invade Gandhara and are converted to Hinduism They Destroy all Buddhist Monasteries Stupas and did mass killing. Buddhism declines
565 ADSassanians & Turks overthrow Huns Buddhism could not recover but emerges in China
602Huan Tsang travels in the northeran Pakistan & describes the state of buddhisam. Buddhisam falls
600-700Turks Shahis in North and Hindu Rajas in the south ruling as smaller states.
711 ADMohammed Bin Qasim (First Muslim ) Conquers The south eastern par of Sindh Banbhore and later many cities in Sindh & Southern Punjab are conquered
870ADHindu Shahi from central Asia arrive .
1001-26Mahmood of Ghazni came Islam becomes the state religion and a lot of population is converted to Islam.
1034Local dynasties rule the In Sindh Sumrah rule until 1337
1150 ADGhourids replace Ghaznavis
1200 ADThe consolidation of Muslim Sultanate in North India
1221 ADGhengis Khan invades and takes over Punjab from Muslims
1337 ADSammahs overthrow Sumrahs in Sindh
1398-1409Temurlane of Uzbekistan arrives via Khyber pass
1400 ++Decline of the Delhi Sultanate. Separation into small kingdoms. Founding of the Sikh religion
1506 ADBabur, the first Moghul arrives after conquering central Asia & Afghanistan
1524 ADShah Beg Arghun Rules Sindh Local Rinds also help to overthrow Sammahs
1526 ADBabur ( Moghul) Overthrown the last Sultan of Delhi. India is reunited under the banner of Moghul empire
1530-56 ADSher Shah Suri attacks the Moghul empire and puts Emperor Humayoon Son of Babur in Exile in Persia
1545 ADDeath of Sher Shah Suri. Tarkhans take over Sindh Thatta is the capital
1556-1605 ADAkbar the Great son of Humayoon is the emperor Moghul empire is at boom
1627-1658Shah Jehan the greatest patron of architecture becomes the emperor.Taj Mahal , Lahore fort's Nolakha Mahal Shahjehan Mosque and many other wonderful buildings wee built
1658-1707Aurangzeb Alamgir becomes the emperor. Sikhs organize themselves as a warrior tribe
1736 ADHyderabad becomes the capital of Sindh and Kalhoras rule it
1739 ADNadir Shah of Persia Invades
1747-1773Ahmed Shah Durrani founds Kingdom of Afghanistan. Some territories of The Subcontinent Including NWFP , Kashmir & Punjab
1760-1830sSikhs become the dominant in Punjab . Ruling from Lahore
1789 ADTalpurs Mirs Rule Sindh From Hyderabad
1799-1839Ranjit Singh Rules Punjab and conquers Peshawar valley
1843 ADBritish annex Sindh Karachi is taken by Lord Napair. First British Afghan War
1845-1846First British Sikh War
1848-1849British take Punjab from Sikhs in the second Sikh war. A big part of India is under British
1857First War of Independence or Mutiny as called by the British
1876Mohammed Ali Jinnah Founder of Pakistan born in Karachi
1887Baluchistan is also taken by the British
1889Gilgit Agency made by the British in Gilgit
1891Hunza & Nagar valleys also become part of British empire
1906All India Muslim was founded
1930Allama Iqbal awakens Muslims with his poetry and suggests creation of a separate Muslim country
1940Muslim League under the Leadership of Jinnah passes the resolution of Pakistan in Lahore
19476th June Referendum is held In India by the British 14th August India is divided into two and British leave. Quid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah becomes the first governor General of Pakistan.
1948Demise of Jinnah First War between Pakistan & India over Kashmir & Gilgit agency
1949UN sponsors cease-fire in Kashmir
1958First Marshal Law (Military Government ) of Ayub Khan
19652nd India Pakistan war UN declares cease-fire
1969General Yahya Khan becomes the Leader of Pakistan
19713rd India Pakistan war results the break of Bangladesh which becomes a separate country.
1970-1977Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto governs the country
1977Gen. Ziaaul Haq takes over the Country as the Marshal Law administrator
1985Non Party Elections in Pakistan Mohammed Khan Junejo becomes the Prime Minister
198817th August Gen. Zia Ul Haq killed in a Plane crash. Party based Elections held Banazir Bhutto becomes the prime minister
1990Banazir dismissed from office New Elections held and Nawaz Sharief becomes the prime minister
1992Nawaz Sharief's resigns and Banazir takes over in the new elections
1995Banazir was dismissed again and Nawaz Sharief takes the office in the new elections & Continues to rule
1999Musharaf the then Chief of Army Staff coups the Nawaz Sharief Government and Musharaf becomes the president of Pakistan
2002General Elections hold by the CEO General Musharraf a faction of Pakistan Muslim league wins and Mr. Jamali becomes the Prime minister of Pakistan
2004Prime minister Mr. Jamali  resigns and Mr. Chaudhry becomes interim prime minister for 3 months and Mr. Shoukat Aziz became the Prime minister of Pakistan.
2004 - 2007Shoukat Aziz was selected by the parliament as the prime minister
2007Benazir Bhuto was assassinated by a gunfire
2008New Elections were held and Pakistan peoples won the elections.