
Microsoft To Roll Out Automatic Windows 10 Updates In The Coming Months

Microsoft has confirmed that it will be rolling out automatic updates to mostWindows 7 and Windows 8 systems in the following months.

The update which will be coming in 2 faces, will first of all display the “optional” option then in early 2016 it will display the “recommended” option and users that see the latter option will have Windows automatically downloaded to their systems.

But after the upgrade, those that still wish to go back to their previous Windowsversion will have up to 31 days window period to do so.

Windows 10 was officially released exactly 3 months ago and Microsoft has said that more than 110 million systems worldwide currently run on Windows 10.

If I may ask; if you are running on Windows 7 or 8, what is that that is still holding you behind not to upgrade?